Education Revolution: Resources,
support and events for the 1 in 5

Call for Proposals

Do you think differently about thinking differently?

Share your point of view! EdRev Expo 2020 will feature a variety of workshops on topics related to learning and attention issues, and the anxiety and depression which often accompany them.

Session Strands

  • Learning: Structured Literacy, curriculum areas (math, writing, etc) Executive Functioning, neurodiversity, Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
  • Attention: Managing behavior, attention, medication, non-med interventions
  • Mental Health: Anxiety, Depression, social emotional learning (SEL), gratitude, resilience, grit, perseverance
  • Health & Wellness: Yoga, mindfulness, nutrition, exercise
  • Workplace: Neurodiversity in the workplace, employment readiness, inclusive workplaces, parent support
  • Transition: High school to college transition, college readiness, middle to high school, college to work
  • Parenting & Advocacy: Tell your story, legislation, public policy, managing behavior, homework, etc
  • Research & Assessment: Psych-ed evaluations, brain science, neuodiversity, research work and studies
  • Technology: Technology to support learning, attention, anxiety

Submit Your Proposal

Proposal Deadline: April 3, 2020

About EdRev Expo Sessions

All workshops will take place at EdRev Expo on Saturday, October 17, 2020 in San Mateo, Ca. 

The workshops are 60 minutes long including Q&A time. EdRev Expo attendees include parents, students, educators and other professionals working with the 1 in 5 with learning and attention differences. We welcome proposals for a general audience or directed specifically to one of those audiences.

Organizations are limited to a maximum of 1 proposal each. We may not be able to accommodate all proposals, so please make sure that your proposal closely aligns with the session strands and focuses on learning differences, such as dyslexia, ADHD, and/or anxiety and depression.

We look forward to receiving your proposal. For more information please contact