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7 Tips for Helping the Day Go Smoothly

to do 242Many families struggle to get everyone to school and work on time. This can be particularly tricky if learning and attention issues make it hard for your child to transition from task to task or keep track of time. Understood offers some helpful tips that can enhance—and ease—your daily routines.

For example…

  1. Get a jump start on the day. If possible, carve out a few minutes before bed to prep for the following day.
  2. Make time more concrete. Reminding your child how much time she has left to do something can help her stay on task.
  3. Use pictures. Picture schedules can help kids understand what’s expected of them and in what order.

Read the full article for more details on the above and to learn the rest of the tips!

With the right support, parents can help children unlock their strengths and reach their full potential. With state-of-the-art technology, personalized resources, free daily access to experts, a secure online community, practical tips and more, Understood aims to be that support. Visit the Understood website for more information.

Source: Understood | 7 Tips for Helping the Day Go Smoothly, | Copyright © 2014- 2018 UNDERSTOOD.ORG