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Approaching Struggles with Enthusiasm

overcoming303Students will flourish and students will struggle. It’s the nature of the classroom beast. Some will announce their achievements proudly and others prefer to brush their uncertainty under the rug. Regardless, the purpose of the educator(s) in the room is to ensure that all students grow from their personal place of knowing, whether they are a confident bloomer or struggling little bird learning to fly. When the struggle is real, opportunities must be in place so that all learners can approach struggles with enthusiasm.

How do we ensure that the right, the necessary, and the continued opportunities for authentic engagement for strugglers (and even the confident) are consistently provided? Whatever the struggle means to them?

In this post,  primary school teacher and  Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) blog contributor Tamera Musiowsky-Borneman shares her thoughts on developing and maintaining enthusiasm in times of struggle.

Musiowsky-Borneman’s recommendations include:

  • Sharing personal examples of celebrations and struggles in your own journey as a learner.
  • Creating open spaces for students to explore, discover, and work through challenges together.
  • Identifying specific struggles, determining the root cause, and then planning the journey to working through the struggles together with the individual student.

Read the full post here on ASCD’s Inservice blog.

Source: ASCD | Approaching Struggles with Enthusiasm, | Copyright © 2018 ASCD