Education Revolution: Resources,
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Different Terms You May Hear for Evaluations

assessment608If your child is struggling in school, you might be considering an evaluation. There are different kinds of evaluations, and the terms for them can be confusing. You might hear them referred to with different names, depending on who’s talking. Take a look at this infographic from Understood that defines different evaluation terms you may hear, and how they relate to one another.
Graphic of: Different Terms You May Hear for Evaluations

Source: Understood | Different Terms You May Hear for Evaluations, | Copyright © 2014–2019
Understood’s mission is to help the 1 in 5 individuals who learn and think differently to thrive in life. As a leading digital resource and nonprofit organization, Understood empowers millions of families and educators through personalized resources, access to experts, interactive tools, and a supportive online community.