Education Revolution: Resources,
support and events for the 1 in 5

Parenting in a Pandemic: Understanding Anxiety in Children & Teens

The coronavirus pandemic may trigger or exacerbate anxiety in children and teens. Dr.Ramsey Khasho, PsyD, licensed clinical pyschologist and Chief Clinical Officer at CHC, discusses how to recognize the signs of anxiety and provides strategies for helping your child or teen take control of their fears.


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Community Education Session for Compass High School, July 22, 2020

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Book Recommendations

Rapee, R.M., Spence, S.H., Cobham, V., & Wignall, A.  (2008) Helping Your Anxious Child: A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents, Second Edition. 

Huebner, Dawn (2008) What to Do When You Worry Too Much.

Downloadable Resources

California Surgeon General’s Playbook: Stress Relief for Caregivers and Kids during COVID-19
Coronavirus book for children
Coronavirus Anxiety Workbook

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