Parents Helping Parents (PHP) helps families who have children of any age with special needs.
PHP’s mission is to help children and adults with special needs receive the support and services they need to reach their full potential by providing information, training, and resources to build strong families and improve systems of care.
PHP’s family support services include:
- Emotional support and guidance from staff and volunteer peer support parents
- Practical support such as information on specific health conditions, community resources, securing supports, and funding
- Parent education and training on navigating the educational, legal, social service and medical systems of care
- Condition and culturally-specific parent/professional support and information groups
- A one-of-a-kind assistive technology preview and demonstration center with services for infants through adults at-risk-of or with disabilities
- Children’s workshops, including support for siblings
- A comprehensive special needs resource lending library
- On-line services such as an Individual Education Plan (IEP) letter writer
Go directly to resources organized by age here:
Early Childhood: Birth – 36 Months
Preschool Years
Kindergarten through Middle School
Transition Years Toward Adulthood
Adulthood 18+