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Student Voices: A Study of Young Adults With Learning and Attention Issues

studentvoices249We know from studies conducted during the past decades that the post–high school transition process can be especially challenging for young adults with learning disabilities. We also know that a substantial number of young adults—as many as one in five—struggle with learning and attention issues (LAI) but many have not been formally identified. We know very little, however, about the experiences, characteristics and factors that contribute to the success or difficulty experienced by these young adults during this time in their lives. That is, until now.

The National Center for Learning DisabilitiesStudent Voices research findings begin to fill that void. Instead of doing research “about” young adults, this study involved young adults from the start: in one-to-one interviews, in the design and implementation of the survey and in the implementation of a national, online questionnaire. NCLD collected responses from 1,221 young adults, listened to their perspectives, and learned they got where they are now, one to two years post–high school.

Download the executive summary of this report here and the PDF files of Student Voices research forms and data sets here. You may also be interested in the EdRev Expo 2018 workshop Family Dynamics, in which presenters  Jude Wolf, Ed.D., Lori Krauss, and Nathan Fernandez refer to this report as they share strategies and approaches used to ensure success throughout the life-span.

Learn more about NCLD, whose mission is to improve the lives of the 1 in 5 children and adults nationwide with learning and attention issues—by empowering parents and young adults, transforming schools and advocating for equal rights and opportunities.

This research was made possible by the Oak Foundation with in-kind support from the Poses Family Foundation.
Source: National Center for Learning Disabilities | Student Voices: A Study of Young Adults With Learning and Attention Issues, |© 2018 National Center for Learning Disabilities