In an interview with ADDitude Magazine, learning expert and advocate Susan Yellin, Esq. answers questions about access to aides, testing, accommodations, behavior assessments and more.
ADDitude has produced a sample schedule for parents of elementary school children who need structure and routine while learning to learn from home.
Check out this great new free resource about supporting twice exceptional (2e) learners!
Dr.Ramsey Khasho, PsyD, licensed clinical pyschologist and Chief Clinical Officer at CHC, discusses how to recognize the signs of anxiety and provides strategies for helping your child or teen take control of
Are you finding it difficult to get your teen to talk with you? Maybe it’s time to stop talking to them and start listening.
Christina Young, PhD, neuropsychologist and young child specialist at CHC, discuss strategies and tools for diffusing tantrums and dealing with defiance.
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