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Best Strategies for ADHD & Distance Learning, Part 1

Distance learning is a challenge for us all, especially those with learning and attention issues. In this Voices of Compassion podcast, CHC’s Chief Psychiatrist & Medical Director, Dr. Glen Elliott, discusses the ADHD brain through the lens of distance learning.

Listen to this podcast to hear from internationally renowned expert in the field of ADHD, psychoactive medications, and complex diagnoses, Dr. Glen Elliott, about how you can best support your child with ADHD while they are learning remotely.

All Voices of Compassion podcast episodes are available on-demand to stream or download. Listen to Best Strategies for ADHD & Distance Learning, Part 1 online at, and you won’t want to miss Part 2. You can also subscribe to Voices of Compassion on Apple podcasts, Spotify and other podcast apps.

Voices of Compassion is a weekly podcast produced by Children’s Health Council (CHC) with insights, inspiration and creative conversations about mental health, education and family.

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