In this Voices of Compassion podcast episode, we continue our conversation with CHC’s Chief Psychiatrist and Medical Director Dr. Glen Elliott to learn strategies to help kids with ADHD mitigate distraction
The vaping problem is worse for teens with ADHD because nicotine is a stimulant, hitting the same dopamine receptors that Adderall, Vyvanse, and Concerta do.
Families across the country are grappling with how to respond when in-person learning doesn’t translate smoothly into virtual learning.
A small number of students have done unexpectedly well with remote learning. In some cases, those students struggled with distractions in the classroom during in-person learning.
Here, caregivers and educators share their most effective strategies for teaching and keeping students organized and focused while learning remotely.
In an interview with ADDitude Magazine, learning expert and advocate Susan Yellin, Esq. answers questions about access to aides, testing, accommodations, behavior assessments and more.
We compiled five of our best resources for learning and attention. Sign up to become part of CHC’s EdRev Community and get these resources delivered to your inbox.